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Student driven and student led.
Students are at the heart of Clemson Wesley's leadership. A team of talented upperclassmen coordinate Clemson Wesley's leadership teams.
Emma Rivers, Senior | Connections Coordinator "Wesley has been a place where I've made many meaningful connections with friends that have become family and I can't wait to connect students with each other and provide the same experience!"
Isabella DeLong, Senior | Women's Coordinator "I'm excited to be the women's ministry coordinator because college is such a unique season of growth that can be filled with so much love from other sisters in Christ and that is something I want to be a part of!"
Andrew Peel, Senior | Men's Ministry Coordinator "Fellowship is an important aspect of our Christian experience. During my freshman year, the strong sense of community I felt at Wesley, especially through men's ministry, was where I found that strong sense of fellowship. I wanted to serve in this position to help create the same sense of community I felt for others. I am excited to lead the men of Wesley!"
Bryson Parler, Senior | Sun. Worship Coordinator "I am thrilled to be taking on a leadership position within Clemson Wesley! I have experienced the love and support of greater leaders before me and it is an honor to be a leader in a community full of amazing students. I look forward to growing personally and growing in relationships with others!"
Ava Bohn, Junior | Wed. Eventide Coordinator "I'm so excited to work with the worship team this year to make Eventide a wonderful and meaningful acoustic service for everyone involved!
Copeland Johnson, Sophomore | Worship Leader "I am so excited to be taking over as Wesley Worship Leader! I'm looking forward to coordinating with different people and encouraging people to use their gifts to serve the Lord. As a born and raised methodist, I love music, and I think it is one of the best ways to worship and serve."
Sarah Mount, Sophomore | Wed. Eventide Leader "I am passionate about worshipping God through music, so I am excited to serves as Eventide Leader this year! I joined the leadership team because I feel welcomed and loved at Clemson Wesley and want to help this ministry thrive. I love Eventide because it feels like home, and I hope other students can experiences this same peace I find!"
Kyra Verostek, Senior | Outreach Coordinator "I'm excited to bring our outreach team closer together, and collectively work towards welcoming Clemson students into the Wesley family!"
Megan Brown, Senior | Social Team Coordinator "This will be my third year working with the Wesley social team and I couldn't be more excited! I look forward to bringing our community here at Clemson closer together through the little things such asa movie night or a dance that allow us to let loose and really enjoy our time in college. This group has become my family and we a re always there for each other so I can't to share experiences with those, new and old, that come to Wesley!"
Teresa Ribeiro, Sophomore | Local Missions Cord. "I'm really looking forward to being a part of this amazing group of people who all want to make Clemson Wesley the best place to be. CW is full of hard working students who love to show up for others, so I'm excited to see all the ways we can do good. I'm excited to serve with local missions because I want to bring more opportunities for everyone to serve each other and our community."
Brynn Beaton, Senior | Comm Team Coordinator "I am so excited to work with an awesome team to highlight the fellowship and worship moments that make Wesley so special!"
Ashley Reichard, Senior | Prayer Coordinator "These past three years, Wesley has been my family here at Clemson and I am so excited to give back to this family through prayer!"
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