2021-2022 Leadership Applications Open
Whether it's on a team, as a coordinator or a small group leader, there is a place and an opportunity for you to serve at Clemson Wesley. Applications for 2021-2022 open Sunday, February 14th and the deadline is Sunday, February 28th.
Join the Team |
Potential areas for you to serve include:
Potential roles for you to serve as include:
- Campus Outreach: responsible for maintaining contact with campus through student-based opportunities and event planning
- Ex: Tiger Prowl, Freshmen Move In, Exam Weeks goodie bags, random acts of kindness
- Local Missions: responsible for creating relationships with local ministries or service opportunities and organizing CW group to volunteer
- Ex: Homecoming Week Habitat Guarding, Ann Hope Soup Kitchen, Rise Against Hunger, Rebuild Upstate
- Prayer Team: responsible for praying for our ministry and its students. In the past, they met weekly for short devotional and group prayer experience.
- Special Events: Retreat Prayer Vigil, Prayer Walk on campus
- Social: responsible for envisioning, planning and implementing/delegating social events for the ministry
- Ex: Homecoming Tailgate, Halloween Party, Wesley Semi, Braves Game, PALentine's Day
- Communications: responsible for sharing the story of Clemson Wesley through communication vessels like social media and print design. Team will work closely with CW staff to promote and recap worship and events through videos, photography, social media, etc. This team is for you if you have a creative eye and like to be a part of communicating with those in Wesley and potentially coming to Wesley!
- Wesley Worship (weekly): responsible for organizing volunteers, set up and take down of weekly Sunday night functions
- AV, coordination with worship team and speaker, name tags, CLC set up
Potential roles for you to serve as include:
- Small Group Leader: leads their specified small group on a weekly basis. They are responsible to plan, lead and recruit for their small group with resources and supporting from CW staff
- Ministry Coordinator: leads their designated team in their area of ministry. Ministry Coordinators also work together to lead the campus ministry through planning events, connecting with students, and supporting their team members
- Team Member: supports their ministry team and coordinators in various capacities from planning events and connecting with students
Have any questions?
Contact Steve or GraceAnne if you want to know more about positions, responsibilities or expectations. We would love to find a place for you to serve!